Jobconnect (SE)

Freelance 2023 | WordPress

Currently under development. Soon to be published!

Coming soon


Freelance 2022 | WordPress

Developed and designed a one page website for a choir in Tønsberg, Norway

Jobconnect (NO)

Freelance 2022 | WordPress

Developed and designed a website for a hiring and recruitment company called Jobconnect AS.


Final exam 2021 | React, Strapi

Travelling and booking website for a fictional company as final exam at Noroff. Featuring original illustrations, admin access with add/remove functions and an overview of contact and booking entries.

Leisure Soleware

Semester project 2020 | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Strapi

E-commerce website for a fictional company selling luxurious leather shoes. Made using brown as brand color for a challenge.

Website currently unavailable

SpaceX Microsite

Semester project 2020 | HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Microsite made for SpaceX with API schedule of next rocket launch. All graphics and illustrations are made with Adobe Illustrator.

Website currently unavailable


Semester project 2020 | HTML, CSS

Website for a fictional company to inspire more people to use bicycles and become more environmentally friendly with transport. Built on the parallax effect.

Website currently unavailable